There are mainly two major types of soy sauce, and they are categorized by use: regular soy sauce and soy sauce for soup (Guk-Gan-Jang). The regular soy sauce is widely used in seasoning, marinating and braising in Korea and similar to the soy sauce you see in Japan or North America. Soy sauce for soup, however, is unique to Korean cooking. As the name suggests, soy sauce for soup is mainly used for soup. But it is also used for “namul” (Korean vegetable side dishes) and seasoning other dishes. Since it’s much saltier and lighter in color than regular soy sauce, you can use a small amount to season your soup while keeping the soup color nice and clear If you want to do proper Korean cooking, you should have both regular soy sauce and soy sauce for soup (Guk-Gan-Jang). Sempio Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce 701 is the top of the premium line in Sempio soy sauce selections. It has the highest TN number (greater than 1.7). The TN number indicates how much actual soybean protein is contained. The higher the TN number, the more premium the soy sauce is. (A TN number of 1% is average, 1.3% premium, and 1.5 - 1.8% super premium.) It is naturally brewed through a 5-step fermentation process over 6 months, unlike Jin-Gan-Jang which is chemically produced. Some regular soy sauce contains refined salt in the fermentation process and corn syrup to add sweetness. Sempio Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce 701 is made with Isomalto Oligosaccharide (50% less sweetness than sucrose (sugar) and has some positive health benefits for the human digestive system) and sea salt, which creates optimal sweetness and a clean finish. Because of its high protein content, it has a richer flavor and deeper tastes, closer to homemade soy sauce. It also contains no preservatives.